Why Do They Say That?

Posted by: Tom,

I had to get a shot before I went on our trip to Nicaragua. For me that is the worst part of traveling. When I was a missionary in Africa I had to get shots by the bucket full and I never got used to it. There is something about a needle approaching my skin that I just can't handle. It is an over-active defense mechanism I think.

When the day came for my appointment Adam and I rode down to the Health Department. Adam had to get a different shot that would hurt a little bit more while I had to get an easy one. Had my wife been in my place I'm sure she would have been wishing she could get the more painful shot in his place. I tried that but I couldn't get past thinking it was better him than me. How pathetic.

We both survived and something on TV yesterday reminded us of what they usually say when you get a shot. People who give shots usually tell you two things. First, they let you know that you are going to feel a little prick. I suppose this is a good thing. I prefer it when people are straightforward with me so if I'm going to feel it let me know.

(There are limits however. One time I had a nurse comment on how thick the gamma globulin was and how hard it was to load the syringe. All I could think about was how much that was going to sting as it got pumped into my backside.)

The second thing they tell you makes no sense whatsoever. After telling you they are going to stick you with a needle they tell you not to tense up and to relax. Yeah, right! As if I have any control over that. Sorry but my muscles refuse to obey my mind in those situations. I try to think happy thoughts but the sting of a needle forcing it's way through tight muscle reveals my failure. The only consolation I have is that at least the needle didn't bounce. It happens.

I wonder what people think when I tell them that life brings pain, be happy all the time.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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