Cruising Into Thanksgiving

Posted by: Tom,

Though I enjoy Thanksgiving there is one down side to it. I have to get everything done that I usually do in a normal week with one less day. I make up for that by just letting some stuff slide. It just isn't always worth it. Thus, I blog.

My son Adam helped rake the leaves at the church on Saturday. It is always a soul searching time for me because I start the process rather angry. We don't have any trees on our property so all those leaves are blown here from someone else. As I process this I begin to feel bad because it really isn't that big of a deal. In a sense I'm getting the opportunity to serve someone without them ever knowing it. That's good for my soul. I end up thinking that God blew those leaves onto the property just to teach me a lesson.

As a thank you to Adam for the help I took him to a movie. He chose the new Bond film. I thoroughly enjoyed it and I'm not sure if that is good or bad. It had plenty of action and not that great of a plot. My kind of movie for when I'm trying to relax and not think too hard. It lost me a little bit when it transitioned to the ending. (Everyone knows that Bond will never fall in love and live happily ever after. The girl must die.) But other than that it was good. I like the new Bond guy.

We live next to a meat locker. Most of the time they process farm animals but at this time of year they are swamped with venison from the hunters in the area. They had a funny sign out on their building the other day. "We Are NOT Excepting Roadkill Deer." Is that great or what? I wondered if the misspelling had anything to do with their wanting to get an "EX" on their sign. I need to get a picture of it before they take it down.

We had a community thanksgiving service last night. A good crowd from our church showed up including a good number of our youth group. I was supposed to lead the sharing time (I think that was what I was supposed to do) and of course Adam had to give his two cents. I didn't mind his praise but the additional comment about needing a raise in his allowance was over the top. I guess I should be grateful that he had the courage to stand up and say something.

Well, that is all the meanderings I have for today.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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