
The God of the Modern Church

Posted by: Tom,

Reggie McNeal writes, "The culture does not want the powerless God of the modern church." And that, "God doesn't have to show up to get done what's being done."

Makes me really think. What goes on at our church that we really need God for? It is really frustrating to get a lot of great things going and thnk we are doing well only to find out God isn't even in the picture. It makes all the progress pretty worthless.

I also hate it when people say the numbers are good so God must approve. I just point out all the other religions of the world that are growing. Sometimes it is hard to find the balance between seeking God and learning from others. I mean I do believe that God can inform me through others but I also pray that I won't be fooled into believing I should go in a specific direction just because everyone else is going that way.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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