
Posted by: Tom,

This is something that has been around forever but for some odd reason I have bumped up against it a lot recently. It has to do with changing or, rather, not changing. It seems like I've suddenly run into several impassioned pleas to, "Don't change who you are," or, the defiant, "Don't try to change me. This is just who I am."

Well, yes and no. Every time these statements are made they must be taken in context. Some people shouldn't change some of the things about them because they are pretty wonderful. And some people need to resist the efforts of others to change them into someone they shouldn't become. The problem is that pretty soon the "don't change" mantra gets set in stone and people end up against change.

Well, the fact is most of us should change, or at least change parts of who we are. I've have personally been working on a lot of things about me that I would like to change and I'm sure I'll discover even more things to change in the future. And that list includes some things that you could say I was born with. I was born with a pointy head too but I sure didn't want to keep it.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

@Tue 24 Feb, 2009 20:16Green Banner: 24 February, 2009Green Banner Vector Graphic

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