
Posted by: Tom,

The story of Zaccheus is probably one of the more well known Bible stories. If you are like me, the image of a rich little man (Because the song calls him a "wee little man" I always picture him as a Scottish Leprechaun) immediately pops into your head when you read it. We also think of Jesus' mission of salvation as he enters the home of a hated man instead of some righteous folk. But as I was reading this story again I began to wonder about how much Zaccheus must have fallen in love with Jesus.

In the story we see an almost instant change in Zac. He announces in Luke 19:8 that he will give half of his possessions to the poor and repay anyone he has cheated 4 times the amount. (Yes, I believe that the first promise is something he wanted to do as a result of his encounter with Jesus and that he was not merely stating something he had already been doing.)I also believe that he had indeed cheated many people because otherwise he probably would not have brought it up.

I have always thought that this was a terrific gesture but that Zac was probably still pretty well off financially. But if we think about it, maybe Zac underwent a serious change in financial status. First, he gives away half of everything he has which immediately cuts his net worth in half. Maybe that didn't make much difference to his everyday life. We hear from time to time about rich people like Bill Gates and Warren Buffet giving away most of their fortunes. I applaud their giving but I doubt it has much of an impact on their standard of living.

Nevertheless, giving away half his net worth does make a difference when you consider his next pledge of paying back anyone he has cheated four fold, the amount required by Roman law for cheating tax collectors. Tax collectors were despised by the general population because it was well known they were cheats. Zac brings up the issue himself so he had, no doubt, also amassed his fortune in this way. That's a lot of cheating which means a lot of repaying. And he had to repay it out of a fortune that has just been cut in half. He probably hadn't made a four-fold increase on what he had taken so that means he would be in a severe deficit.

What I am trying to say is that Zac very well could have put himself in the poor house with his pledge and yet he seems happy to do it. That's an incredible change. He met Jesus while wearing nice clothes and watched Jesus leave his house while wearing rags. He may have paid a heavy price. And yet we get the sense that it was totally worth it just to be in relationship with Jesus.

I think it is worth it too. But thinking about this story makes me wonder how much that fact has transformed my thinking.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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