I read a blog that linked to a blog that linked to a blog that linked to this. I wasn't as impressed as some commentors appeared to be but the one piece of advice I found interesting is that visitors to the US should not try to BS because Americans are very good at detecting it. If it is true, and I think it is, a lot of churches better take notice.
I think a lot of Christians BS when trying to convince non-Christians to join the fun. They make ridiculous claims about what life is like on their side and I think a lot of people see right through it. It brings our integrity into question and the conversation is over before it has even begun.
I actually believe the advice in the article is wrong. We are good at detecting BS because we are a nation of BSers. If a visitor wants to fit in they might as well give it a try. They just shouldn't be shocked when they are caught out. Wouldn't it be great if we were known as a society based on honesty and integrity instead?
- 27
- Feb
- 2007
BS Detectors
Posted by: Tom, 0 comments
- 26
- Feb
- 2007
The Good Word
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsA group of us were having a discussion the other day when one guy ranted about benedictions in church. He was pointing out that benediction means "good word" and was lamenting that in his church, twice during the last four weeks, the last thing he heard was, "And don't forget to buy your tickets." I'm smiling even as I write this.
It did get me thinking about the power of words. I don't mean to turn into Peale but I think a lot of people need a good word. And yes, I am adding to the meaning a bit in that I think it should be a positive good word. There are too many people who struggle with depression now days. Maybe we need to work harder at making our good words really good.
- 23
- Feb
- 2007
New Cool Is Old Already
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsNot to say that I know what cool is or anything but I am getting bored with what is presented as cool in commercials these days. The two prime examples are the UPS and Apple commercials. Both these guys annoy me. I bet they drink Starbucks coffee and think it tastes good. More likely they just like paying a lot of money for crap thinking it makes them cool. Idiots.
(Sorry for the meaningless rant.)
- 21
- Feb
- 2007
Common Sense
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsI'm one of those people who like watching the early rounds of American Idol but never watch the rest of it. What is it about watching someone crash and burn on national TV that is so appealing? Anyway, since the good stuff is over I'm done with Idol for another year.
I do want to make a suggestion for anyone who wants to try Idol next year. Don't sing a song that is sung by a singer with a great voice. You'll pale in comparison. Pick a song made famous by Joe Cocker, Louis Armstrong or the like. I'm the first to admit that I think these two guys were masters of turning their voices into musical instruments. They had an artistic quality and depth that made them famous. But I think Idol wannabes would compare much more favorably than they would covering a more orthodox singer in the Idol format.