It is odd but I am getting tired of people spending so much time on evaluations. I used to rant that we never spent enough time doing an effective evaluation but now I have completely flip-flopped. I guess I'm tired of people evaluating with the premise that something is wrong. The theme seems to be "What's wrong and how can we fix it?"
In the name of balance I think we need to spend much more time talking about what's right and what opportunities do we have in the future. Forward thinking is important because life is always changing and such thinking keeps us from becoming static.
Several years ago Huntington College put a lot of effort into designing their web site. They did a great job and they won awards and received some great recognition for it. It hasn't changed since! IMO it is now hopelessly out of date. It doesn't take long for that to happen with web sites. I normally am very charitable when it comes to out-of-date web sites because most people don't have the resources to keep them current. But HC does have the resources, and the need, so I find it rather sad.
The point is, when it comes to web sites, if you wait for a negative evaluation before you fix it you're too late. If they had been forward thinking they would have started to change it almost immediately after they won the award.
I think the same is true for the church at times. We need to learn to move on. That's why I like the "journey" metaphor when it somes to the church.
- 28
- May
- 2004
Evaluating and Looking Ahead
Posted by: Tom, 0 comments
- 27
- May
- 2004
UB Alternative and Leadership
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsAs our denomination has pondered joining the Missionary Church it naturally has led to other proposals being suggested. The most notable is what is now known as UB Hope. Or is it UBhope? Though I believe that we should not join the MC I have great doubts that the alternative will really be any better.
One of the things I am looking for is freedom to associate, encourage, learn from and work with other pastors & churches that share a similar philosophy of ministry. Problems would be dealt with as locally as possible. Rather quickly it appears that the UBhope folks are looking to set up committees to address problems nationally. I think some people just feel a need to do something and they have a hard time letting go.
I also think we are having a hard time breaking away from an old idea of what a leader is and does. We are used to a strong visionary leader who "knows" what each church should be doing and tells us how to do it. Unfortunately this era has come to an end. I believe that with technology today it is too easy to hear too many great messages from just about anybody. Things like blogs allow idiots like me to publish their ideas even if only two people read them per month. The fact is leadership must become much more collaborative. We need a leader who makes us think not just tells us what we need to do. Who stretches our minds not just rants about yet another dominational program. Who asks the right questions not just parrots answers and advice from the latest leadership guru.
Ahh well. It is rather depressing watching the wreckage accumulate. Fortunately these things are peripheral to me living out my passion here in Zland.
- 25
- May
- 2004
The Strong Little Church
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsMy friend Dan sent me this article. It is nice to see this coming from someone I would least expect it from. Church planting with this in mind is rare these days. I keep dreaming.
- 21
- May
- 2004
Pray for the Bus Driver
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsThree of my kids ride the same bus to school each morning. The driver is a wonderful lady from our church. My son Adam is in 5th grade which is the highest grade on the bus.
Someone decided that it would be a good idea to train one of the students on each bus how to stop the bus should the driver become incapacitated. On my kid's bus Adam has that honor.
So let me get this straight. If for some reason the bus driver feints and slumps over the steering wheel Adam is supposed to make his way to the front of an out-of-control bus, move the driver out of the way, and stomp on the break.
Please take a moment and pray for school bus drivers everywhere!
- 18
- May
- 2004
What Does God Think of Denominations?
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsA question that has been raised many times in the past is "What does God think of denominations?" Usually this question is asked by someone who, at the time they ask the question, is frustrated with denominations. Some see denominations as a direct affront to Jesus' prayer for unity. The thought is that denominations are a response to a disagreement that has brought about a schism which in turn has led to the establishment of a new denomination.
There is also a lot of talk about the post-denomination era. This seems to indicate a growing dissatisfaction with the divisiveness denominations can bring to relationships. However, I think that though that is true more of the discontent stems from the hierarchal authority structures most denominations operate with rather than the lack of unity.
I wonder if we may be headed for a new denominational era. (Though they will probably call them something else.) If we are, the question remains. I think God is grieved when denominations spring up because of division. The Apostle Paul warns about this. However, I think God loves when we are denominated along positive lines such as passion, style, focus, etc.
Look at creation. It was God who denominated the various forms we see within trees, flowers, animals, insects, colors, smells, weather, etc. Somehow there is strength in variety. Different does not necessarily mean disunity. The key to unity seems to be synergy not uniformity. This is what denominations of the future will look like. It will be groups of people coming together because of a like calling but who remain unified with the body. That's a denomination that is formed for a positive reason rather than a negative division. Come to think of it that's how my denomination was started!
- 18
- May
- 2004
The Ringing In My Ears!
Posted by: Tom, 0 commentsIt's been 4 days since the "Battle of the Bands" at Anchor and I think my hearing is just now starting to return to normal. I've got to get ear plugs if I ever do that again. It was kind of hard playing guitar on Sunday without being able to hear very well.
- 18
- May
- 2004
Safety First
Posted by: Tom, 0 comments Poor Gabby. She can hardly move but she's safe! She Got the blades and pads for her 6th birthday!
- 13
- May
- 2004
$2.86 A GALLON - THAT'S OUTRAGEOUS! A gallon doesn't go very far either so it has a big impact on us since we use so much. I can't believe how much the prices have jumped. Someone must be making a ton of money on this. It makes me so mad I could spit.
Fortunately Kim says she can buy milk somewhere else for about $2.00/gallon so that will help. By the way, the gas prices have gone up too.
- 13
- May
- 2004
Here is something I've never thought of until Kim brought it to my attention. One issue with having people in the church invite friends to church is that their friends may be hesitant because they fear hurting the relationship. Huh?
Okay, here's the scenario. Friend A invites friend B to church. Friend B would like to accept friend A's invitation but what if she does and then doesn't like friend A's church. Will friend A be offended if friend B doesn't return.
That scenario got me to thinking about how we could invite people to church without them having to worry about offending us if they don't like it. Mmmmmmm!