Posted by: Tom,

Well, I have been a bit disappointed today. I thought that I would be able to have deep thoughts. That I would ponder great mysteries and have enlightened ideas. I thought today I would sense an intellect within me that would rise above it's usual pitiful output. But alas, it hasn't happened.

I turn 40 tomorrow. According to my kids my brain cells will now start to die as I descend the far side of the "hill". Today I am at the peak of my mental abilities (several other abilities left several years ago) and it just isn't that impressive.

Oh well, according to my elders I now get to enjoy a diminished capacity to remember things. I believe that will be a blessing. To be wronged, cheated and abused by others and not be able to remember it is a beautiful thing.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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