Posted by: Tom,

It has been a few days so I'll try to catch up. Our flight leaving Montego Bay was late departing but our pilot promised to make up time. We flew with a German crew, as we did on the way down, which provided us with some amusement. Every time the pilot would speak I couldn't get the picture that Arnold Sh. was flying the plane out of my head. We arrived in Detroit a half hour late but there was a plane still our gate so we waited. After the gate was cleared the lady who runs the jetway disappeared so we waited some more. After the jetway was moved in postion immigration held us on the plane because it was too crowded in the terminal. We finally got off the plane an hour after landing.

We ground our way through immigration and customs with little difficulty and then we waited for the guys to get the vans. We finally got under way for the trip home just before 6:30. The rest of the trip was uneventful but as Bob said our road rage returned in no time at all. Jamaican drivers are crazy but for some reason even their car horns, which they use almost constantly, seem to have a more accomadating and conversational sound than ours do. Our horns seem to be associated with yelling and threatening.

Yesterdays church service was basically a time of sharing about our trip. I really enjoyed it and I hope everyone else appreciated it too. It is good to be back in spite of the awfule weather.

Today I'm just trying to catch up on things. Fun!


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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