
Posted by: Tom,

We had Joe and Natalie share with us in church about their mission work. They did an excellent job but I was struck by something Natalie said. She was talking about developing a strong community where they minister and she said that what they would do to develop community is have each person write out their life story and share it with everyone. The intimacy of this created very strong bonds resulting in "one of the tightest" community experiences she had ever been involved with.

Kim and I were recently talking about how difficult it is to get people to share their stories. A lot of people are embarrassed or ashamed of their past and wouldn't dare share their true life story. They would rather hide that away and keep it a secret.

No wonder we are often frustrated that we don't develop authentic community. It is just easier being superficial.

Maybe that's why bloggers feel so close to each other - we share things we would never tell (at first) to someone in the flesh. But after "exposing ourselves" in public (isn't that a crime?) we gravitate to those who don't recoil in horror, but instead exclaim, "Really? Me, too!"

How to find that in person remains elusive.

Good post, Tom.
Good point about bloggers, Jim. And it points to the fact that sharing at that level isn't just about our past but also our present. While we are often embarrassed and ashamed of our past we are often just as embarrassed and ashamed of our present. At least the parts we keep hidden.

I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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