
Posted by: Tom,

So they say they have reached an agreement on a bailout plan. I think one of the most frustrating things to be, would be someone, who knew what he was talking about, having to deal with politicians. I have met a few that I like. I believe that they take their work seriously and with noble intentions. But most of them....

I'm already sick of the Presidential campaign. Spin, spin, and more spin. I used to admire Obama but I'm convinced he is simply in it for the power and the prestige. I don't care for either his record or lack there of. Sorry, no knight in shining armor here. He will simply use the charisma to make it happen.

I used to like McCain but it is sad to see someone stoop so low simply because he believes it is the only way to get elected. It is as if he doesn't see the conflicts he creates in his message. And Palin? Are you kidding me? Purely political.

To top it off I have to have Biden thrown in my face again. I actually used to like him. Then I watched his condescending and patronizing treatment of Bork and it was all I could take. It was like watching a junior high kid interviewing the next candidate for school principle. This tells me as much about Obama as Palin tells me about McCain.

So I feel sorry for the finance guys who have to sit and listen to the politicians comment on the bailout plan. It is as if the handlers went to unlock the cages to let them out for their appearances. How much television time can I get? How can I come across as a friend of the people? How can I make it look like this was all my idea? How can I blame this mess on someone else even though I had just as big a role to play as everybody else? Please lock them up again and this time throw away the key.

Sorry for breaking my rule on only one political post but I just had to rant. I'll go back to my private life as a cynic.

The bailout is an embarrasment...and both candidate failed to be prophetic, bold, and a "change-agent".

Maverick McCain - spin, spin, spin...

Bold Barak - spin, spin, spin...

How can they possibly keep their promises? Let's hope they both listen to the best non-partisan minds out there on how to rechart our economic course.

I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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