Catching Up

Posted by: Tom,

I got behind in my Bible reading for the year. I am using one of the more popular one year plans that has readings from the OT, NT, Poetry, Prophecy. I have skipped a few years in doing this so I thought I would get back on track.

Anyway, I got behind last week, about six days behind. So yesterday I caught back up which meant reading a large section from Leviticus. My wife doesn't like reading Leviticus all that much and admits to skimming. For some reason I like Leviticus and I have preached a few series from it.

I think a lot of people actually like all the rules. They find the rules freeing because they feel they can do whatever they want as long as they don't break the rules even if they have an ulterior motive. Of course, people have also used rules to control and manipulate people down through the years and I suppose not very many people like that. But for the most part I think a lot of people like rules even though they may protest against them.

That's why people don't like "a new covenant written on their hearts." Now you have a conscience to consider. Jesus quoted Isaiah, "These people honor me with their lips, but their hearts are far from me." (Mark 7:6) The only way to be an sincere follower of Jesus is to get to know him and develop a love for him. Then you will obey him because it is your true hearts desire.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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