Complaints Blessings

Posted by: Tom,

Well, it is really hot. I usually don't run air conditioners in the church sanctuary unless there is an event taking place but I did turn it on this week to try and keep some of gear from melting. I don't worry about the electronics since it's all turned off but I do worry about drums and guitars and other stuff made of wood. It's hot.

My son will be going off to college this fall and he happened to be lucky enough to get stuck in one of the few dorms that has no air conditioning. He complained to me about it the other day. Big mistake. I grew up in Africa and went to boarding school where air conditioning was just a dream. I don't think he appreciated my lesson on evaporative cooling. You sweat for a reason, you know. But it is hot.

It just so happens that the assignment for our small group this week is to list all of the blessings we have been blessed with. All of them. No matter how small. That list gets pretty big in a big hurry and after awhile complaining seems kind of ridiculous. I guess that was the point of the exercise.

So it doesn't matter how hot it is, how stupid the politicians in Washington are being, what the terror threat level might be, how bad my tomatoes are suffering from Blossom End Rot, or how worried I might be about how my kids might turn out (My brother says his biggest fear is that one of his daughters will be the next Lady Gaga.) I won't complain because I am blessed.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

@Tue 24 Feb, 2009 20:16Green Banner: 24 February, 2009Green Banner Vector Graphic

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