
Posted by: Tom,

Once again the kids are home from school today due to a weather cancellation. There have been a lot of those this year and the schools are frantically trying to figure out just how they are going to meet requirements as the state has mandated 180 school day per year, or something like that.

Though I don't go in for the cold I really don't mind the weather as long as we have electricity to keep the heat, water, and internet running. Yes, I am spoiled.

They say that weather is one of the things we are most willing to talk about with complete strangers. It's a safe topic, does not require us to reveal personal information, and usually provides for a lively conversation when the weather turns bad. The storms we have had this winter will have at least a 2 month shelf life and possible even extend out to 4 or 5 months in some cases.

One frequent topic with regard to weather is the local populations inability to drive in it. My wife was born and raised at a point 3 hours north of here and she carries a smug confidence that she and her home town neighbors have achieved a level of expertise in winter driving that we do not possess in this part of the country. We, in turn, do not believe that the populations of Atlanta and Dallas, for example, have the necessary skill set to deal with ice and snow.

Of course there are also the nostalgic ones who remember how they used to brave even worse weather with aplomb in decades past. Their badge of courage is their recollection of school buses with chains and never failing to reach the hallowed halls of their school room on time, or at least only a few hours late.

I don't buy it. I think their are idiot drivers just about everywhere. Twice in recent weeks I have been tailgated by individuals who were oblivious to the treachery beneath their wheels. And for those with memories from long ago I have but one question. How come you keep telling stories about your school bus getting stuck in a snow drift every other day? In short, idiots are everywhere and memories aren't quite as sharp as we like to think they are.

I don't see what all the uproar with the schools is about. The worst part about it is those parents who have to suddenly make alternate childcare plans. Other than that, does it really matter if the kids are in school a few days less this year? In thirty years are we going to look around at a dearth in rocket scientists and point to a few lost school days in 2011? I don't think so. Now if only I can find my shovel and dig myself out of this ditch. Just kidding.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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