I know there is a whole list of things like this but I hate getting nickeled and dimed. Why do really nice hotels charge for high-speed internet while cheaper ones give it for free? I know that the cheaper ones use it to draw customers while the expensive ones figure it doesn't matter to their clients. But this is the age of big-discount hotel bookings via internet, after all, and some of us poor folk like to take advantage. All that internet fee does is irritate me and make me think the hotel is cheap... like me.
Okay, so I'm hypocritical. But it leaves a bad taste in my mouth anyway and is it really worth it? I mean if they're going to let us poor people stay there don't they want us raving about how great it is? I better quit before I get started on Barnes & Noble. These people need to realize that charging for access may look profitable to the balance sheet but it does more harm than good.
Now let me say a few words about insurance companies. On second thought, I better watch my blood pressure.
Ooooh, that rant felt good.
- 16
- Apr
- 2008
Nickel And Dimed
Posted by: Tom, 0 comments
- 9
- Apr
- 2008
At That Stage
Posted by: Tom, 4 comments
My sons were in a bad car accident today. Ben, the oldest, drives Adam and Michael to school just a little after 7 AM. This morning a young lady pulled out of a side road directly in front of them. It was a direct hit right into the side of her car where her young daughter was sitting.
Ben was going about 50 mph and it happened so fast he probably didn't get slowed down much when they hit. The car spun around and ended up facing the opposite direction. The seat belts and airbags did their job and none of my sons were seriously hurt.
The passengers in the other car were not so lucky. The driver was thrown from the car and ended up underneath it. Some people passing by were able to lift the car off of her and a helicopter transported her and her daughter to the hospital. We found out this evening that they both have extensive injuries but it looks like they will recover.
I brought the boys home with the blessing of the principal who met us at the scene. They seemed a little out of sorts which was understandable. Ben was concerned about the lady and her daughter. People kept telling him it wasn't his fault but it still bothers him which I think is good. He turns 18 a week from today and I'm proud of the man he is becoming.
I hate getting phone calls like that but I'm at that stage of my life. I would be pleased if I never got another one but it is a dark reminder that life is fragile. My boys seems indestructible but after looking at the remains of our Buick I'm just thankful they are still here.
And I pray for a full recovery of that young lady and her daughter.