
Innocent as Doves

Posted by: Tom, 2 comments

Many of his readers (Eugene Petersen for one) see Fyodor Dostoevsky as not only a brilliant author but also as a pretty good theologian. I enjoy reading his stuff too but I especially liked "The Idiot" because of its portrayal of what is believed to be Dostoevsky's idea of Christ made flesh among the Russian aristocracy. Prince Mishkin subverts the prevailing culture by being able to love unconditionally an incredibly wide range of individuals no matter how awful they treat him. He is often thought of as an idiot but in spite of this he is admired by one and all and is able to have a huge impact on their lives due to his innocence and unconditional love.

I was thinking today of Forest Gump and I wondered how much of that story was influenced by "The Idiot" because there is a similar subversion that takes place. The most remarkable affect is on Jenny and Lieutenant Dan. No matter how hard they try to discourage or push Forrest away he won't leave.

I want to influence people that way.



Posted by: Tom, 1 comments

Every year at about this time I start thinking about church membership. I meet with the nominating committee and we try to figure out who we should nominate for the various church offices. I give the committee members a list of folks who "qualify" which means that they are active members in the church. The list is pretty short.

People don't seem to like to join. They can be very active and committed to the church but they just don't want to join. I think for a lot of them this issue has roots in the past. I know a lot of people blame it on the new generation but I think it is the anti-establishment generation that is the problem.

One thing we always talk about is changing the rules so that you don't have to be a member to serve in the various capacities. The people we would likely put in those positions have been faithful after all. That is always countered by the idea that if they are really with us why wouldn't they join?

Fortunately, I think the younger folks are getting over the fear of joining and are starting to take more interest. They kind of think it is cool to belong in that way. I suppose that there are still a lot of people who would disagree with that assessment but I think it is true for us.

I am also pleased that this has not been divisive for us. I don't think very many people actually think about it in when it comes to our church family. Family is family and the only way out is disowning on the part of the individual of the family whether you like it or not. There are no membership questions for that.


An Amazing God

Posted by: Tom, 0 comments

I am working through Augustine's Confessions as a devotional over on another blog. I post a chapter a day and then comment on it, if I feel like it, just to help me interact with it more. I really like today's chapter.

Book 1, Chapter 4

4. What, therefore, is my God? What, I ask, but the Lord God? “For who is Lord but the Lord himself, or who is God besides our God?”[1] Most high, most excellent, most potent, most omnipotent; most merciful and most just; most secret and most truly present; most beautiful and most strong; stable, yet not supported; unchangeable, yet changing all things; never new, never old; making all things new, yet bringing old age upon the proud, and they know it not; always working, ever at rest; gathering, yet needing nothing; sustaining, pervading, and protecting; creating, nourishing, and developing; seeking, and yet possessing all things. Thou dost love, but without passion; art jealous, yet free from care; dost repent without remorse; art angry, yet remainest serene. Thou changest thy ways, leaving thy plans unchanged; thou recoverest what thou hast never really lost. Thou art never in need but still thou dost rejoice at thy gains; art never greedy, yet demandest dividends. Men pay more than is required so that thou dost become a debtor; yet who can possess anything at all which is not already thine? Thou owest men nothing, yet payest out to them as if in debt to thy creature, and when thou dost cancel debts thou losest nothing thereby. Yet, O my God, my life, my holy Joy, what is this that I have said? What can any man say when he speaks of thee? But woe to them that keep silence--since even those who say most are dumb.

I especially like all the paradox in this description of God. I hadn't thought of all these before and I think that many of them are the result of His love. "...owest men nothing, yet payest out to them as if in debt..." That is a beautiful picture of grace.


Jeus Loves Me

Posted by: Tom, 0 comments

Jesus love me. In spite of my disobedience, stubborness, temper, bad moods, arrogance, pride, lack of patience or self-control, meaness, plus a whole bunch of other faults, Jesus loves me.My wife does too but she is known to tolerate my inperfections. How does a completely holy God do that? The power of the cross is incredible!


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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