The Ethic of Love

Posted by: Tom,

Andy Stanley's July 4, 2004 sermon (you can listen to it at their church website) has a thought provoking piece on tolerance. He says that an ethic of tolerance is being pushed in our society as something positive. According to this ethic we should be toleratant other religions, all political views, sexual orientations, theologies, philosophies, cultures, races, etc.

However Stanley believes that to accept tolerance is to accept defeat. If you and your wife agree to tolerate each other you have basically accepted defeat in your effort to make your marriage all that it could be. He says the biblical ethic is not tolerance but love. We are supposed to love people of other religions, all political views, sexual orientations, theologies, philosophies, cultures, races, etc.

Stanley's thought is challenging and changes the way I think about a lot of things. It makes sense in terms of living in a kingdom life here on earth.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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