Great day at worship yesterday. I know, I know, the pastor always thinks that. But I thought we really got into a worshipping mood and I think there was a strong sense of community. I think most of my church is going to be on vacation the next two weeks so I'm trying to prepare for a more intimate worship service while the numbers are low. Though I hate to see everyone gone it allows for some unique opportunities.
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I have a plan to get America into shape. We have been bombarded recently with how fat Americans are getting and there are tons of programs offered to help you slim down. If this is truly a serious problem, however, I have the perfect solution. There should be a law that the name of every food item, whether in a grocery store or a restaurant, must begin with the amount of calories that are in it.
Think of the impact. Imagine standing in a fastfood restaurant and trying to decide between the 350 calorie milk shake or the 600 calorie version. No more biggie sizing. You would be asked if you wanted the "500 more calories Biggie size". Wouldn't we make better choices if we had to choose between the 450 calorie cheeseburger and the 800 calorie deluxe burger? At the grocery store you could choose between the 400 calorie chicken or the 5 million calorie batter dipped chicken.
One draw back would be finding enough space to put all the zeroes one would find in the snack aisle. Grocers may need to start putting a bag of chips next to carrot sticks to make sure there was enough room for the signage. In fact some fast food joints might go right out of business once customers learned how many calories were truly in the food.
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Lynn, Ked and a few other guys started working on the ramp and steps to the back door yesterday. I'm glad to see that going. We have talked long enough and it is now time for action. Lynn is so good about getting things done. I really appreciate that.
We also got the new amp for our sound system plus a few other goodies yesterday. It all sounds good so I can't wait to try it out tonight at worship team practice. We also got a new direct box for our keyboard so we have opened up a line we can use for another in-ear monitor. Not sure who will use that one though.
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Okay, let me do a little catching up. Softball is over. We lost the first game in the bottom of the 7th inning to get relegated to the losers bracket. Then we one our first game there and then got clobbered in the second. Fun season but I'm getting to old for this stuff.
Kim & kids made it back safe and sound. Great to have the house full again.
Yesterday was a good day at church. Had Paul here to share about his ministry with the Navigators. We had a few technology problems but it all worked out. Ben did an admirable job filling in for Ryan on Drums especially considering how little he has played. I broke my G string again during the last song. I'm going to try a heavier guage string to see if that will help. The medium I will use is .02 bigger so that may keep it from breaking. If that doesn't work maybe I'll switch to all slow songs. Maybe that will end all the jokes about the pastor breaking his g-string at church. Oh Yeah, the salad bar/sunday bar carry-in was a brilliant idea. Thanks Kathy & Kevin!
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Kim and the kids left to visit her sister in Michigan yesterday so I am home alone. It is extremely quiet and peaceful. I hate it! They will be back late this afternoon. I bought a couple of new fish for the aquarium while they were gone. I wonder how long it will take them to notice.