
10 Year Anniversary

Posted by: Tom, 0 comments

On January 16, 2003 I started this blog. Ten years sounds like a long time and occasionally I see someone write a post their 10 year blogging anniversary. It sounds impressive since most folks now days can't seem to even stay married that long. And it is impressive for most of the bloggers who stay with it for that long. It takes discipline and dedication to output that much drivel. But I'm not one of those guys. My 10 years is only a testament to a computer server somewhere in the world that hasn't exploded yet and lost my blog forever.

Over 10 years I've racked up a little over 400 posts. That averages out to 40 posts a year, or less than one a week. And that isn't even the worst of it. There where a few years I averaged more than that which makes up for a majority of really thin years. Every now and then I think I'm going to take it seriously again but it never lasts. There have even been a few years when I have had to do some work to even find the backend of the blog so I could post again. (I should write names and passwords down on paper.)

The biggest reason I don't write more is because I don't like a lot of what I have written. There was a time when I slowed way down because people actually read this blog and some people got mad about what I wrote. It is not that I disagree with most of what I have written, it's that I am tired of what I created. I am good at creating criticism but I want to be good at creating beauty.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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