

Posted by: Tom, 0 comments

About 10 - 15 years ago my denomination was promoting a program that helped our churches identify strengths and weaknesses and how to improve those areas where we were weak. One of the main ideas was that we were to stop looking at our churches in a mechanistic way and we were to start looking at them as a living organism. We needed to understand that there were certain factors that were essential for growth. These factors influenced growth, not in a mechanistic way where there was direct correlation, but in a biotic way.

Overall, I thought the research behind the program was good. But I think it was just a start and not near ready to roll out as a tool to help us in our churches. But that is the way it is with a lot of research now days.

I applaud the recognition that we are more like a living organism than a machine. That was a breath of fresh air. I think most of us knew that but all we ever heard were mechanistic answers about how to bring about change. It was understandable because it fits into easy formulas that work well in conferences. This plus that minus those equals super church. We knew it didn't work like that so it was nice to hear that it was more similar to the complexities of a living organism.

But that is also the problem. The complexities mean that A LOT of research is required to truly understand what is going on. And even then we must be open minded how the next round of research will change our thinking. Every day we read about findings that are sensational and almost every time we eventually find out that someone jumped the gun. I keep waiting for that magic weight loss pill.

As a pastor I have to understand that our church is like a living organism with all its complexities and mysterious connections of one thing to another. I'm okay with that and so while I find new research helpful and interesting I am also cautious about what it is really saying, or more importantly, not saying. Thankfully there is someone we call the Holy Spirit that keeps us on track, if we listen and pay attention.



Posted by: Tom, 2 comments

After 3 years of reading glasses I finally went to get real glasses. I should stop right there because my kids say they don't count because I got them at Costco. Hey, the Dr. exam only cost $49.99 and I'm half Dutch so I don't care.

I don't know much about glasses. I told the Dr. that I work at a computer a lot and I read and write a lot. She said I should probably get progressive lenses because they would work whether I was looking at a computer screen or looking down to read a book so that's what I did.

I picked up my glasses the other day and all I can say is I'm not sure about these progressive lenses. At first I was almost afraid to take a step. It seemed like there was a 4 foot square box that was in focus and everything else was blurry. The tech said to point my nose at anything I wanted to see and after awhile my brain would be retrained to this new way of seeing.

The first time I tried to read a book was a disaster. There was a 3 inch wide piece of text that was in focus so I had to move my head from side to side to read the whole line. That made the book seem like it was rocking back and forth and almost made me seasick. Reading music while playing a guitar was even worse.

Everyone I have talked to says to stick with it because it will get better. It has been 3 days now and it has gotten better so maybe they are right. Maybe you can teach an old dog a new trick. Now I just have to find a place online where I can get a spare pair for dirt cheap.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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