
And Another Thing

Posted by: Tom, 1 comments

I usually try to keep an open mind about things but sometimes I just get tired of it all. I just don't care what people think and some things just need to be said. So here are a few things I would like to get off my chest before the end of the year.

Tattoos are ridiculous. Really, what is the purpose? Are we so desperate to express our individuality that we need to permanently mark ourselves? I have yet to see a tattoo that I thought really had staying power. I have never seen a painting that I would want permanently attached to my living room wall. How can people suddenly decide that they want something permanently tattooed to their bodies?

This leads me to piercings. Whoever thought that was a good idea? What purpose does a stud in the side of your face serve? How strong is peer pressure that people will mutilate themselves like that just to fit in.

And finally, coffee. Why can't there be a coffee shop where there are no flavors other than coffee and the only options are in terms of size and strength? The should have strengths from 1 to 10 with 1 being slightly tan and 10 being burned black. You could just walk in and say, "Give me a 6 large," and be done with it.

Well, that's about it. I am ready for 2012. I think I'm getting grouchy in my old age.


I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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