
Pregnant Aliens

Posted by: Tom, 1 comments

So I just got my electronic version of the new NIV Bible. Now I can start confusing everyone in my church when I read scripture and it doesn't follow along with what they are reading. Oh well, they'll get used to it.

I kind of liked the TNIV and I use it quite a bit. But I do agree that it crosses the line in a few places with the gender issues. On the other hand, I do like "foreigner" for "alien" because it seems to make the point more directly in the USA culture. I also like "pregnant" for the more delicate "with child" in all places except the Christmas story. But I read that out of the KJV most of the time anyway. Linus rules.



Posted by: Tom, 1 comments

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I'm Tom. I have a wonderful wife, 4 kids, a dog, and a cat. What more could a guy want.

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